BINSACK REEDTECHNIK是一家位于德国莱茵-美因地区的家族式中型公司,目前已发展到第二代。作为簧片传感器的专家,自1993年成立以来,德国BINSACK REEDTECHNIK提供量身定制的传感器产品已有 28 年的历史。在大约 2,600 平方米的区域内,BINSACK REEDTECHNIK拥有 45 名员工,仅在德国(法兰克福附近的米尔海姆)生产的传感器。
BINSACK REEDTECHNIK公司专注于基于簧片技术的定制传感器。这些产品包括:浮球开关、接近开关、流量监测器、干簧传感器、干簧继电器等。
BINSACK REEDTECHNIK拥有广泛的生产设施(组装、焊接站、电缆组装、线圈绕组、超声波焊接、工具制造和塑料注射成型),BINSACK REEDTECHNIK的传感器和继电器完全在内部生产,其产品都经过BINSACK REEDTECHNIK的测试实验室的100% 测试,保证了BINSACK REEDTECHNIK产品的高质量!
BINSACK REEDTECHNIK的产品广泛应用于汽车、医疗技术、卫生技术、家用电器、空调技术、机械工程等等领域,并广受客户好评,被众多知名制造商评为第一供应商!
Binsack Reedtechnik is a technology enterprise and consists of five product areas:Reed-Sensors, Reed-Relays, Reed Switches, Float Switches, Flow SensorsIt is our goal to attain a leading position in the market in those five areas. Primarily we trust on our innovation strength and our technological know-how. These are the keys for the new growth markets in the future. Binsack Reedtechnik is an independent enterprise with clear future strategy and can fall back upon 40 years of experience. Very important in this aspect is a close contact to our customers, quick and flexible and mostof all innnovative actions. Our engineers and technicians in construction and development are pleased to work out a technically mature solution. Our own tool engineers with affiliated plastic injection department enables us to carry out your ideas fast and flexible. Our extensive assortment covers almost all customer requirements. The product spectrum also contains among other things the worldwidely known reedproducts of the companies: Steinecker, ERNI, ELESTA, LECHMANN & MÜH It is our conviction that only the highest level in quality will meet our superior expectations of our customers. An uncompromising, extensive system of quality assurance from research and development over the production to the customer service for us is mandatory. That’s why our enterprise is certified after the ISO norm. Expensive, continuous tests in our own examining laboratories ensure, that all products correspond to the strict EURO norms with regard to their safety, reliability and life time. The classification as first supplier with numerous well-known manufacturers, also in the automobile industry, confirms our company philosophy.