

Componenta是什么品牌?Componenta是一个源自捷克的工业品牌,捷克Componenta Moravia s.r.o.主要生产叶轮,化油器,扣环,泵盖,涡轮叶片,涡轮,柱塞等产品,Componenta的产品主要应用于玻璃、印刷、纺织、模具、车辆等领域。

  • 全 称: Componenta Moravia s.r.o.
  • 国 家: 捷克
  • 官 网: componentaperfecta.cz
  • 分 类: 经销品牌


原厂直购 航空快达 品质服务

  • 电话 13268333006
  • 微信 13268333006
  • Q Q 315689107
  • 邮箱 315689107@qq.com


Belonging to our region and our history, brought us to where we are now. The story of our company began much earlier than before anybody heard about precision engineering components. In 1883 in Kyjov the first kiln of the local glassworks ignited. It had to have a workshop producing glass molds. So we started. The glassworks gradually grew and gained fame. Already at the end of the 19th century window glass, bottles, glass pipes and other glass products were manufactured. At the end of the twenties, it was sold and the first Czech glassworks in Kyjov Moravia commenced. Despite the following tumultuous decades the glass factory was successful. In 1933 the first semi-automatic "Kiko" was put into operation and production continued even after nationalization in 1945. About two years later a triangle with a capital letter M, Mark Glassworks Moravia is registered as a trademark. The glass factory is undergoing a massive development in the nineties of the twentieth century, when the first joint-stock company Moravia Glass that input Swiss investor becomes a significant part of the glass holding Vetropack and accordingly changes the name to Vetropack Moravia Glass.In the year 2000, separate workshops form for the production of molds and spare parts for the glass machines Strojirny Moravia. Those, due to expansion abroad, change by ten years later the name to Componenta Moravia and become a major player not only in the European market of glass molds. It succeeded mainly in Russia and other former Eastern Bloc countries, where it becomes number four on the market.A recent significant event is the establishment of a sister company, named Componenta Perfecta, in 2014.






